Like to know more? Check out our FAQs below.

  • How much can I borrow?

    The most important factor in determining how much you can borrow is affordability – or how much the repayments will be compared to how much disposable income you have. The lender will take this into account when considering your application.

  • What interest rate do lenders charge?

    Interest rates vary depending on your profile – your credit rating and other factor lenders take into consideration like how well you have paid off loans in the past, whether you are a home owner etc.

  • How long is the term of the loan?

    Loan terms depend on two things (1) how long you want the loan for and (2) affordability – how much you can comfortably afford to repay monthly. Once this has been determined, a term of between one and five years is fixed.

  • How long does it take to get an answer?

    Wherever possible, we aim to get back to you within two hours. If your application is urgent, please call us on 0800 666 022 after submitting the loan application.

  • Can I change the loan amount after it is approved?

    Yes, at any stage prior to the loan agreements being signed, the loan amount can be reduced or increased, subject to the lender approval.

  • How do I make payments to the loan?

    It’s really up to you. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly using an Automatic Payment from your bank account or by using a Direct Debit to make things easier for you.

  • Is there a minimum age for a loan?

    Yes, 18 is the minimum age to enter into a contract

  • Can I pay the loan off before the end of term?


  • Is there an establishment fee?

    Yes, there is an establishment fee of up to $350 and an introducer fee of up to $995.